目的:探讨老年人迟发性癫 发作的临床及脑电图特点。方法:回顾性分析80例老年人迟发性癫 的临床及脑电图资料。结果:癫 发作的可能原因为脑血管病41例(脑梗死30例、脑出血11例),脑肿瘤19例,脑外伤 4例,脑萎缩 8例。癫 发作的类型为全身强直阵挛发作 48例;强直阵挛发作持续状态2例,失神发作6例,单纯运动性发作17例,单纯体感性发作7例。脑电图正常7例,异常73例。异常脑电图主要表现为弥漫性慢波活动22例,局限于一侧半球的慢波活动34例,散在或阵发性棘波、尖波或棘慢、尖慢综合波49例。结论:脑血管病(脑梗死、脑出血)、脑肿瘤是老年迟发性癫 发作的主要原因。癫 发作以全身强直阵挛发作为主。脑电图异常率高,主要表现为在弥漫性慢波活动基础上出现癫 样放电。
Objective: To explore the characteristics of clinical manifestations and EEGs in old patients with late onset epileptic seizures. Methods: Clinical and EEC data of 80 old patients with epilepsy were analyzed retrospec- tively. Results: The probable causes of epileptic seizures included 41 cases of cerebral vascular disease( cerebral in- farction and cerebral haemmohrage) ,19 brain tumors, 4 brain trauma and 8 brain atrophy. The types of epileptic sei- zures included 48 generalized tonic-clonic seizures, 2 tonic-clonic epilepticus, 6 absence seizures, 17 simple partial motor seizures and 7 simple somatosensory seizures. Normal EEGs were found in 7 patients and abnormal ones in 73 patients. The abnormal EEGs mainly showed diffuse slow waves in 22 patients, slow waves localized in one hemi- sphere in 34, epileptiform discharges in 49 patients. Conclusions: Cerebral vascular disease and brain tumor might be the main causes of old patients with late onset epileptic seizrues. The seizure types mainly showed generalized tonic- clonic seizures. EEG changes mainly showed epileptiform discharges on the background of diffuse slow waves.
Journal of Clinical Electroneurophysiology