目的 正确评估青光眼睫状体炎综合征 (PSS)的预后 .方法 对 15 a来收集到的 145例 PSS患者进行视野、眼压等项追踪观察 ,并以同期观察的 16 6例原发性开角型青光眼 (POAG)作为对照组 .结果 PSS和 POAG的视野损害发生率分别为 35 .4%和 93.4% .PSS之损害 72 .1%为早期 ,而POAG则 78.92 %为中、晚期 ;但 PSS患者中约有 10 %发生了中晚期损害 ,且有 2例完全失明 .有损害的 PSS患者之年龄较大 ,病程较长 ,间歇期眼压较高 ,双眼受累、2 4h眼压曲线异常及缺乏眼压交叉现象者较多 .结论 虽然 PSS之视野损害远较 POAG少而轻 ,但其预后不可过于乐观 .注意观察眼压动态变化有助于预后评估 ,单纯的
AIM To make a proper evaluation of the prognosis of Possner-Schlossman syndrome (PSS). METHODS 145 cases of PSS c ollected in the past 15 years were followed up with tonometer and parameter, and 166 cases of primary open angle glaucoma (POAG ) followed up during the same period served as the control group. RESULTS Prev alence of visual field damage of PSS and POAG were 35.4% and 93.4% respectively and 72.1% of the da maged cases of PSS were at the early stage, while 78.9% of those in POAG were at the middle or late stage; however in about10% of PSS cases the damage was at the middle o r late stage, 2 of them had become absolutely blind. The damaged group of PSS ca ses were older, had longer courses of disease, higher averaged IOP between cris es and more cases biocularly involved or with an abnormal diurnal and nocturnal IOP variance or without an IOP cross-over phenomenon than the undamaged group. CONCL USION Though the damage in PSS was much fewer and slighter than that in POAG, the prognosis of PSS is not yet optimistical. Paying attention to the IOP dynamical variation may be helpful to the prognostication, and serious damage co uld be produced by PSS itself.
Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University
glau coma
ciliary body
visual f ields