在建立起区域层序地层格架的基础之上 ,以高分辨率层序地层学为主线 ,以三维高分辨率地震、岩心和测井资料为基础 ,以高频基准面旋回的识别和对比为关键 ,从各种地质因素上对高频层序的形成机理和相域的演化规律进行研究 ,结合地震参数提取、井间约束反演和其他数学方法等手段 ,对高频层序内部骨架砂体作平面和三维空间展布 ,为非构造圈闭的最终确定和进一步精细油藏描述提供可靠的依据 .以某盆地某坳陷渐新世晚期珠海组二段地层为例 ,共划分了 7个准层序组 ,其中在准层序组 PSS6 ,PSS7中共识别出 5个不同规模的非构造圈闭 。
Zhuhai formation of later Oligocene in Wenchang A depression, Zhujiangkou Basin, is taken as an example, regional strata sequence framework was established, and the formation mechanism of high frequency strata sequence and the evolutionary regulation of facies were studied based on 3 D high resolution seismic, core, and logging data. The plane and 3 D distributions of the inner skeletal sandstone facies of high frequency sequence are determined by drawing seismic parameters, restrainedly inversing and mathematical methods, which provides the basis for the final determination of atectonic traps and the further fine description of oil reservoirs. Five traps of different scales were discerned in the parasequence sets of PSS6 and PSS7 within Zhuhai Formation, and they all have good exploration prospects.
Journal of Xi'an Petroleum Institute(Natural Science Edition)