
柴达木盆地河流泥沙特征 被引量:3

Characteristics of River Silt in the Qaidam Basin, China
摘要 根据柴达木盆地河流泥沙来源及变化特点 ,阐述河流含沙量与输沙量的大小 ,除与流域土壤、地质分类、植被、河流坡度、降水强度等有关外 ,还取决于河床切割深度、粒径组成 ,岸坡和护岸情况等。在上述条件一定 ,含沙量相同时 ,流量大者 。 Surrounded by Kunlun, Altun and Qilian mountains, Qaidam Basin (35°00′~39°20′N, 90°16′~99°20′E, 2 675m a.s.l. at the lowest place and 4 000 m a.s.l. in average) is a plateau interior basin in China. Itis about 800km across from east to west and about 300km from south to north, and has an area of 257,768 km 2. A ring-shaped geographical pattern forms, i.e. in a succession of the surrounding high mountains, wind-erosion hills, Gobi deserts, fine-soil plains, swamps, and salt lake from the alpine zone to the central area of the basin. In this paper, the characteristics of river silt in the Qaidam Basin are researched. The results show that, based on the silt sources and the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of the river silt, the silt content and the total silt discharge of the rivers in the Qaidam Basin is not only related to the soil, geological conditions, vegetation, channel gradient, and intensity of precipitation, but also to the cutting depth of the channels, granularity, bank slope and bank revetment of the rivers. Under the given conditions mentioned above, the greater the discharge of the rivers is, the more the total silt discharge will be.
作者 薛建军
出处 《干旱区研究》 CSCD 2001年第4期44-46,共3页 Arid Zone Research
关键词 柴达木盆地 河流泥沙 含沙量 输沙量 Qaidam Basin, river silt, silt content, total silt discharge.
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