汉语动词“打”的义项繁多。它的主要义项有三 :1.“用手或器具撞击物体” ;2 .“器皿、蛋类等因撞击而破碎” ;3.“殴打、攻打”。由于各个义项的论元结构不完全相同 ,它们的句法特征亦有较大差异 ,尤其是“打”的第二个义项出现了作格动词和及物动词交替的现象 ,而作格动词又与被动句中相应动词的句法特点有很大区别。了解这些复杂因素 ,有助于“词库”
The Chinese verb “打” has a number of connotations, three of which are as follows: 1. strike objects with hand or tool; 2. tool or eggs that are broken by striking; 3. attack or assault. Due to the different argument structures of entries, its syntax features differ greatly, especially the second one can be used as an ergative verb and transitive verb alternatively. The ergative verb is quite different from the verb used in the passive voice. Thus, understanding these complex factors helps to build the lexicon theory.
Journal of Xiangtan Normal University(Social Science Edition)