邓小平认为 ,人才问题是个战略问题。他根据我国社会主义现代化建设发展战略与人才战略的内在逻辑关系及人才成长的客观规律 ,系统地阐明了人才的重要战略地位、人才质量的战略标准、人才选拔的战略方式和人才培养的战略途径等问题 ,形成了具有中国特色的人才战略思想 。
Deng Xiao-ping regards intellectuality as a strategic issue. Based on the internal logic of modernizing the Chinese Socialist drive and intellectual strategy, and the Objective law of intellectual training, he expounds the important strategic position of intellectuals, the strategic standard of intellectuality, the strategic way of recruiting intellectuals and the strategic channel of training intellectuals Chinese origin. He has pointed out the direction for the Party to train intellectuals in the new century.
Journal of Xiangtan Normal University(Social Science Edition)