马克思、恩格斯认为科技的价值在于 :科学技术是直接的生产力 ,是生产力的首先的力量 ;科学技术大幅度地提高着劳动生产率 ,极大地促进着社会生产的发展 ;是生产关系的基础 ;决定着阶级的划分 ,决定着统治和从属的关系 ,决定着国家、政治、法律 ;是唯物主义和人文科学的基础 ;科学技术的发展导致生产关系的变革和社会革命 ,是历史的有力的杠杆 ,是最高意义上的革命力量。科技价值的主体基础主要是工人阶级和人类社会的利益与需要 ;科技价值的实现机制主要是科技的物化、智力化和生产过程的实际运用。马克思、恩格斯科技价值观具有中介性、社会性、合力性和革命性等特点 ,是社会历史观、价值观与科技观的统一。
Marx and Engels regard the scientific and technological values based on many aspects: science and technology are the direct and primary productive forces,improving the productivity and greatly promoting social production; it is the foundation of the production relations; determining class polarization, the relationship of domination and subordination and determining state, politics and law; it is on the basis of materialism and humanities. The development of science and technology results in changes in productivity and social revolution; it is the historical and powerful levers, and the revolutionary power in its utmost significance. The subjective basis of scientific and technological value are the benefits and needs of the working class and human society; realizing mechanisms is the realistic use of materiality, intelligence and the process of production. Marx and Engels' scientific and technological value have such characteristics as medium, socialization, joint efforts and revolutionary spirit; it is the combination of the views in social history, value, science and technology.
Journal of Xiangtan Normal University(Social Science Edition)