19世纪 ,新疆面临着一系列危机 ,引起了许多有识之士的关注。他们提出了拯救危机、开发建设新疆的方略 ,有的还进行了可贵的实践。尽管有其历史局限性 ,却在一定程度上推动了新疆的保卫、开发和建设 ,为我们今天开发建设新疆提供了有益的借鉴。
In 19th century,Xinjiang was confronting with a serious of crises to which many persons of insight paid close attention.They put forward tactics about removing crises and developing Xinjiang,some of them even turned their thought into valuable practice. In spite of the historial limitation, their efforts ,to some degree, propelled the cause of defending ,developing and building Xinjiang, and provided useful experience for the development of Xinjiang today.
Journal of Jingzhou Teachers College