多垂直杆元模型是目前最为常用的一种用于剪力墙结构非线性分析的宏观模型。本文主要对该模型中轴力杆的恢复力特性进行了讨论。文中列举了已有的几种对轴力杆的处理方法 ,并分别对其适用性进行了分析。然后在已有试验和理论分析基础上 ,对其中的一种处理方法进行了改进 ,提出了一个更为符合实际的轴力杆恢复力模型。用这一改进模型对一单片实体墙模型的试算证明它可以用于剪力墙的非线性分析。
Multi vertical line element model is the most widely used model in the nonlinear analysis of shear wall structures. This paper emphasizes on the discussion of hysteresis behavior of the axial element in this model. First, several ways to describe the axial element are listed and their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed separately, then based on the experiments at hand and on the theoretical analysis, a new way to describe the hysteresis behavior of axial elements is forwarded for the purpose of both easy application and acceptable accuracy. In the end, a shear wall example is given to verify this model and satisfactory results are got.
Structural Engineers