哥伦比亚作家加西亚·马尔克斯是 1982年诺贝尔文学奖的获得者 ,他的小说代表着风行于拉美的魔幻现实主义的最高成就。综观他的小说创作 ,我们发现死亡话题是作家经常涉猎的。本文从这个角度切入 ,分析了死亡话题在马尔克斯创作早期和黄金期的不同表现 ,最后得出这样的结论 :死亡话题不仅在内容上更准确地表现出拉美的孤独 。
Colombia writer Garcia Marquez won the mobel prize of literature in 1982.His novels represent the highest achievements of magical realism which prevailed in Latin-America.In all his works,death is one of the themes about which he was concerned.This article gives a detailed analysis of his different representations of death in differen periods of time and comes to the conclusion that not only in its content does the theme of death represent the Latin-America's loneliness,but also in its style reinforces the work's miraculous characteristics of magical realism.
Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University:Social Sciences