执政党的党员和领导干部、国家机构的公职人员的道德建设是“以德治国”系统工程中的关键环节 ,具有关键性价值。行政伦理本质上是一种政治伦理。政者不正 ,政者缺德 ,必须导致政治的腐败。执政者只有把法治提高到自觉的程度 ,把他律与自律结合起来 ,才能治理好国家。因此 ,加强行政伦理建设须从行政伦理的监督机制与养成机制的建立抓起 :一、加强公共监督 ,开展制度创新 ,规范国家公务人员的道德行为 ;二、加强自律养成 。
The moral construction of the ruling party members, leaders and civil servants plays a critical and valuable function. Administrative ethics are political in essence. The inequality and immorality of the politicians leads to political corruption. The state can be well managed only if they manage the state by law with the combination of compulsive discipline and self discipline. As a result, the construction of administrative ethics may begin with that of supervising mechanism and its forming mechanism through strengthening public supervision and moderating moral behaviors of the civil servants and through enhanced self discipline and their sublimation of personality.
Journal of Hunan University(Social Sciences)