介绍IECTC5 7正在制定的无缝通信协议标准的名称为“变电站和控制中心通过 6 185 0通信(CommunicationSubstation ControlCentervia 6 185 0 )”是以IEC 6 185 0为基础 ,而不是以TASE .2为基础。并介绍了IEC 6 185 0的特点和采用后的效益 ,说明为什么IECTC5 7采用IEC 6 185 0作为制定无缝通信协议标准的基础。目的在于对“新一代基于光纤以太网的SCADA系统”一文某些提法提出建议。并说明IEC 6 185 0一般模型和CIMIEC 6 1970兼容、支持互用性、设备互联、工程化和可操作性。
The seamless communication protocol standard'Communication Substation Control Center via 61850',which is based on IEC 61850 and not on TASE.2,the features of IEC 61850 and the benefits from using IEC 61850 are introduced.The reasons that IEC 61850 is adopted by IEC TC57 as the basis of the seamless communication protocol standard are explained.Some comments are made on 'New Fiber Ethernet SCADA On Electric Power Network SCADA and System Structure'(Vol.21),and it is indicated that IEC 61850 is compatible with IEC 61970 and has generic object models, supporting the interoperability,device integration , engineering and implementation.
Electric Power Automation Equipment