直接转矩控制的原理是根据定子磁链及转矩的偏差值 ,选择逆变器的开关状态 ,以实现对转矩的直接控制。然而 ,在起动和负载变化阶段 ,直接转矩控制的反应较慢。而模糊控制将专家的知识及现场操作人员的经验转化为控制策略 ,使模型难以确定的复杂系统得以有效的控制。在对象参数发生变化或受到外部扰动时 ,模糊控制仍能达到较为满意的控制效果。与传统的控制方案相比 ,模糊控制具有较强的鲁棒性。因此 ,本文推出了直接转矩模糊控制器 ,以克服上述不足。实验结果验证了该控制器的性能。
The principle of Direct Torque Control is to control the induction motor′s torque by selecting the switching states of the inverter according the deviations of torque and flux. However, during starting up and the change in load, the response of control is slow. Therefore, this paper introduces a Fuzzy controller, it has good robustness of fuzzy cotroller ,so as to avoid the preceding inconveniences. Experiment results show the controller has good performance.