厘清公司监察制度的学理基础 ,对当代公司监察法律制度 ,乃至公司法律制度的发展和完善有着重要影响。本文以现代公司治理结构理论为指导 ,论证了监事会作为公司制衡机构存在的客观必然性 ;揭示了私法自治原则和分权制衡原则是公司监察制度确立的两大法律基石 ;最后 ,本文运用社会学结构功能理论分析了公司监察制度在治理结构中的特有功能。
To clarify the theoretical basis of the Corporation's Supervisory system makes a great difference on the development and perfection of the modern corporation supervisory system, even the corporation law. This article discusses the inevitability of the existence of the Supervisory Board as a check and balance organ under the guide of modern corporate governance theory; discloses that self government of private law and the check and balance principles are the two legal foundations of establishment of the corporation's supervisory system. Finally, applying the sociological theory of the structure and function, it analyzes the special function of the corporation's supervisory system.
Journal of Central China Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences