该文以《大公报》和辅仁大学的创办人英敛之为研究对象 ,以较为珍贵的资料系统揭示其在近代开民智过程中提倡白话文 ,进行白话演讲 ,创办新式学校的历史活动和贡献 ,并给予客观、准确的分析和评判 ,进而阐明在中国由传统向近代转型过程中 。
Ying Lian zhi was often taken as the founder of Da Gong Newspaper and Fu Ren University. But in this paper, with some valuable materials we want to announce his other behaviors and contributions in the process of developing peoples wisdom in modern times such as encouraging vernacular Chinese literature, making speeches in vernacular, and founding new schools. An objective analysis and a probing judgement well be given, then the Chinese intellectuals responsibilities in transition from the traditional to the modern will also be illustrated.
Journal of Tianjin Normal University(Social Science)