义和团运动对现存的不平等条约体系产生了重大影响。一方面 ,西方列强大大发展了不平等条约制度体系 ,将其推进到一个新的阶段 ,使得这一特权制度更为完备、严密。列强由攫取条约特权 ,进而在政治、经济、军事、思想等方面对中国实施全面控制 ,这是半殖民地最为突出的特征 ,亦是《辛丑条约》最基本的特征。另一方面 ,由于义和团运动表现出强烈的反抗精神 ,列强又不得不吸取教训 ,有所顾忌 ,对某些条约特权采取谨慎的态度。同时 ,在中国反对不平等条约的历程中 ,义和团运动是一个重要环节 ,具有极其重要的地位 。
The Boxers Movement has a considerable influence on the setup of the unjust treaties in existence during those years.On the one hand,western powers has achieved a great development of the institution of the unequal treaties and has pushed it to a new stage bymaking it more detailed and complete.By taking advantage of the special privileges in the unjust treaties,the foreign powers gained an overall control over China politically,economically,militarily and ideologically,which was a most conspicuous feature of a semi-colonial country,and also a basic feature of The Xinchou Treaty(a treaty signed in 1901).On the other hand,the foreign powers had to draw a lesson from and give some consideration to the revolting spirit displayed by the Boxers,therefore they had to deal cautiously with certain privileges in the treaties.Meanwhile,the Boxers Movement,the most important struggles of all the struggle in China against the unjust treaties,was of great significance:it had laid and indispensable comerstone for the final victory of the Chinese people in their struggle for the undoing fo the unjust treaties.
Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University