目的 :探讨保护和加强脊髓栓系综合征 (TCS)患儿的脊柱结构及稳定性的手术治疗新方法。方法 :近期收治的TCS患儿 46例 ,手术松解时采用椎板双开门扩大探查 ,术后缝合棘突或植骨闭合脊柱裂等方法并与以往治疗的 5 4例TCS进行比较分析。结果 :TCS 96 %合并有脊柱裂 ,松解时采用椎板双开门暴露椎管术后缝合 ,或脊柱裂术后椎板植骨等改进手术方法 ,损伤小 ,手术暴露好 ,术后脊柱结构完全或部分修复 ,既可有效治疗TCS患儿 ,又可减少并发症。结论 :椎板双开门打开椎管探查脊髓行松解术及术后植骨闭合脊柱裂等方法既可保护和加强脊柱结构、暴露清楚彻底松解 ,又可加强脊柱稳定性 ,减少并发症 ,是治疗TCS值得推荐的方法。
Objective: To improve the treatment of tethered cord syndrome(TCS) in children by protecting and strengthening the sturcture and stability of spine. Methods: 46 children with TCS were treated by opening double doors or planting bone in laminae and the effect after operating was analysing. Results: The new method was good in exposure, light in trauma, lessened in complications and advanced in treatment. Conclusion: The operation of opening double doors or planting bone in laminae is a better way in treating TCS.
Henan Medical Research