在照度相同、光质不同的条件下 ,比较各种光质对缕丝花试管苗生长发育的影响 .结果表明 :蓝光和红光有利于侧芽的产生 ;红光有利于提高糖含量 ;蓝光有利于蛋白质含量的增加 ;红光促进叶绿素合成 ;
Under light of different quality with a similar irradiance, test tube seedlings of Gypsophila elegans were compared. The results show that under blue or red light producing of axillary buds of test tube seedlings is quite favourable. Contents of soluble sugar are favourably increased by red light. Contents of proteins are related to blue light. Contents of chlorophyll are advanced by white or red light, but inhibited by other wave lengths of light.
Journal of Xuzhou Normal University(Natural Science Edition)