目的 :探讨孤立性肺结节的CT表现及诊断。方法 :对 5 4例 3.0cm以下的孤立性肺结节CT表现进行回顾性分析 ,其中恶性肿瘤 30例 ,良性病变 2 4例。CT常规扫描加病灶薄层扫描 2 8例 ,常规扫描后行病灶区HRCT2 6例 ,增强扫描4例。结果 :2 6例行HRCT扫描者术前显示病灶特征性改变 ,并作出正确诊断者 2 2例 (84.6 % ) ,病灶局部薄层扫描术前诊断正确者 15例 (5 7.6 % ) ,3例恶性肿瘤及 1例良性肿瘤增强扫描均显示明显强化。结论 :HRCT对肺癌及限局性机化性肺炎的鉴别诊断有较高价值 ,对孤立性肺结节以HRCT结合增强扫描并综合分析CT表现有助于提高定性诊断。
Objective:To investigate the value of CT diagnosis of solitary pulmonary nodule(SPN).Methods:54 cases of SPN (30 malignant and 24 benign lesions) were analysed retrospectively.All of them were under 3cm in diameter.HRCT were performed in 26 cases,contrast material CT in 4 besides standard CT scan in all of them.Results:22 cases(84.6%) were diagnosed correctly from 24 cases with HRCT and 15 cases(50%) were diagnosed correctly from 30 csases without HRCT.Three malignant and one benign lesions with contrast material CT showed obvious enhancement.Conclusion:HRCT is valuable for differentiate lung cancer from localized organizing pneumonia and other SPN.
Journal of Medical Imaging