目的 通过对正常人群下颌运动中髁突运动的测量记录 ,从而确定正常在开闭口运动中髁突的运动特征。方法 正常 38人 ,其中男女各 19人 ,平均年龄 18.7岁。应用CADIAXⅢ型 (Com puterAidedDiagnosisAxiogragh)髁突运动仪 ,记录下颌在各种边缘运动时的髁突运动情况 ,对开闭口时的髁突运动情况加以分析。结果 定性研究结果表明正常髁突运动轨迹对称 ,光滑 ,重复性好。男女性别无显著差异。在大张口时髁突相对于参考位置 (ReferencePosition)的最大位移左侧为 16 .0 2± 4 .2 7mm ,右侧为 16 .33± 5 .6 4mm ,髁突在位移 5mm时的矢状面倾斜度分别为右侧 35 .2 3± 8.18°,左侧 33.10± 8.6 6° ;在水平面内的髁突倾斜度右侧为 - 2 .0 0± 2 .6 7° ,左侧为 0 .39± 2 .18° ,大张口时绞链轴的旋转度 (GAMMA值 )为 2 6 .18± 6 .2 2°。结论 正常髁突运动轨迹有其典型的轨迹特征 。
Objective The purpose of this paper is to record and analyze the characteristic of condyle movement of normal occlusion.Method 38 Subjects with normal occlusion were tested by CADLAX Ⅲ(Computer Aided Diagnosis Axiogragh) for the condyle movement. The open and close movements were recorded.Results The tracing of condyle movement of normal occlusion is symmetrical, smooth, and repeatable. There is no difference in gender. The condyle displacement at maximum open is 16.02 ± 4.27mm at left side, and 16.33 ± 5.64mm at right side. The Saggital condyle inclination of right side is 35.23 ± 8.18° , 33.10 ± 8.66° at left side. The transversal condyle inclination of right side is 2.00 ± 2.67 , 0.39° ± 2.18° at left side. The GAMMA value of the hinge axis at maximum open is 26.18 ± 6.22° .Conclusion The condyle movement of normal occlucion has its own characteristic, but it also has great difference amony individual.
Chinese Journal of Orthodontics