目的 探讨唇腭裂二期牙槽突植骨后牙槽骨三维结构,以确保唇腭裂牙槽突植骨术后正畸 治疗的顺利进行。方法 选择唇腭裂二期牙槽突植骨术后半年以上的唇腭裂患者7名,病人的唇腭类型 分别为:单侧完全性唇腭裂6人,双侧完全性唇腭裂1人,牙槽突裂隙为8侧。病人的平均年龄为15岁, 年龄范围 11岁至 26岁。CT扫描平面与 面平行,从眶下缘至牙冠的根 1/3,每 2毫米扫一层并进行三维 重建。结果CT可以真正反映唇腭裂牙槽突植骨部位的三维结构,能够发现唇腭侧存在的骨骼缺陷,有 利于唇腭裂序列治疗的顺利进行。结论 唇腭裂牙槽突植骨后,正畸治疗前采用CT这一先进手段进行 裂隙部位牙槽骨高度的三维评价,对于牙槽突植骨后正畸治疗及唇腭裂序列治疗具有十分重要的意义, 使牙槽突植骨的评价进入了三维时代。
Objective To investigate the three - dimensional CT scan in the evaluation of the secondary alveo-lar bone grafting. Methods Seven complete cleft lip and palate patients( 6 UCLP, 1 BCLP) at least 6 months post secondary alveolar bone grafting were collected. The age range of the patients was 11-26 years with the mean age of 15 years. The plane of the CT scan was parallel to the occlusal plane. Cuts of 2mm were taken from the infraorbital run to the gingival third of the crown of the teeth. Three - dimensional reconstruction was performed. Results Labial and palatal bone defect was found through the three - dimensional CT evaluation of the bone grafting. It is conducive to the orthodontic treatment of the cleft lip and palate. Conclusion Three - dimensional CT scan before the orthodontic treatment is a new evaluation method of the alveolar bone grafting.
Chinese Journal of Orthodontics