现代家禽生产 ,祖代鸡通过翻肛鉴定性别 ,父母代鸡以羽速 (快慢羽 )判定公母 ,而商品代鸡则以羽色自别雌雄。常规性别鉴定方法耗资费力 ,且慢羽基因 (K)与内源病毒基因 (ev 2 1 )紧密连锁 ,导致慢羽鸡群免疫反应降低 ,成活率和产蛋性能下降。以鉴定W染色体上性连锁DNA序列或基因为基础 ,从分子水平上鉴定家禽性别的研究有望填补家禽性别鉴定空白。
In present schemes of commercial bird industry, newly-hatched birds are usually sexed by vent identification, or by sex-linked genes for plumage color or feathering alleles. Traditional methods of sexing, however, are not desirable ones, due to various limitations in sexing efficiency and application. Moreover, the slow-feather gene K is linked closely to the endogenous virus (ev-21) gene, which would result in high death rate and low reproductive rate of layers. The molecular sexing method in poultry, which is based on the essence of life_the gene and DNA sequence, utilizes the most advanced analytical method of nucleic acid, will facilitates the study of poultry in the fields such as the sex allocation theory, the evolution of the sex chromosome ,the libraries of sex chromosome and transgenic chickens.
Chinese Journal of Zoology
中捷政府间科技合作项目 (编号 3 5 10 )
湖南省自然科学基金项目 (编号 0 0JJY2 0 19)