通过某SHW6 - 1.2 5 -H(A)往复炉排炉的实测及不同炉排片材质的对比试验 ,得出了不同运行工况下炉排片上的温度分布及不同中硅铸铁的耐热特性 ;指出了在炉排片结构一定、燃料特性一定的情况下 ,在炉排高温度区域合理地分区布置不同耐热材质的炉排片 ,是防止炉排片烧损、变形等的一种有效途径。
Through the tests of a reciprocating inclined grate boiler of SHW6-1 25-H(A)and contrast tests of heat resistance of different cast irons,it is put forward that it is and effective solution to prevent burning loss of reciprocating inclined grate when different materials were arranged at different zones under the present condition of given structure and fixed characteristic of fuel.
Low Temperature Architecture Technology