介绍用水压爆破拆除七层大板结构楼房的实例。楼房的一至三层上砌筑大小不等的水池共 86个 ,池中共设置药包 196个 ,用药 5 7 8kg。水中药包连同少量辅助炮眼药包一次起爆 ,获得预期爆破效果。文中概述了爆破方案确定、药量计算、药包的防水处理和布置 ,以及主要技术措施等。
A practical example on demolishing a seven storeyed prefabricated building by water pressure blasting was introduced Eighty six water pools with various dimensions were constructed on 1st to 3rd floors of the building One hundred and ninety six explosive charges with total weight of 57 8kg were put into these water pools The charges in water were initiated together with a few auxiliary charges in blastholes and a desired blasting result had been achieved In this paper,determination of blasting scheme,calculation of charge weight,water proof treatment and distribution of charges,main technological measures and so on were outlined
Engineering Blasting