目的 比较肾移植前后甲状旁腺功能和钙磷代谢的变化。方法 测定 2 1例维持性血液透析患者在肾移植前后的血清甲状旁腺激素、钙和磷的值。结果 血透患者的血清甲状旁腺激素和血磷在肾移植术前均高于正常值。术后血清甲状旁腺激素和血钙均恢复至正常。部分患者血磷仍高于正常。结论 肾移植后 ,患者甲状旁腺功能亢进的情况得到纠正 ,但骨代谢紊乱仍持续。
Objective To observe differences of parathyroid function and calcium-phosphate metabolism between before and after kidney transplantation (KT).Methods We assembled 21 patients with chronic uremia on hemodialysis and measured their value of the serum concentration of parathormone (PTH), calcium (Ca) and phosphate (P) before and after KT.Results Both PTH and P was were higher than normal before KT. PTH and Ca recovered normal after KT, but P remained higher in some of patients.Conclusions After KT, the parathyroid functions tend to normal, but bone-metabolism remain abnormal.
Journal of Qiqihar Medical University