目前 ,ERP实效能否得到提高 ,已经成为制约企业发展的瓶颈环节。很多因素制约了ERP系统的成效。ERP再开发模式就是其中的一个重要因素 ,但企业却往往简单地认为这是开发商的工作 ,忽视了其对系统成效的重要影响。本文从ERP用户———企业的角度出发 ,论述了不同的ERP再开发模式所蕴含的风险 。
Nowadays, whether the actual effect of ERP can be improved has already been the bottleneck of the Enterprises' development. Many factors will influence the efficiency. The re-developing mode of ERP is one of the most important constraint factors which users only take it as the develoer's work, overlooking its great influence. This paper emphasizes on researching the risk of different re-developing modes and offers some relevant tactics from position of users.