本文利用P—σ混合坐标系原始方程模式对夏季东半球中低纬的气象场相非绝热加热场进行了数值模拟。从模拟得到的日平均温压场、流场及降水量场与实况的对比分析中可以发现,高空300hPa的南亚高压、海平面大陆低压这一对夏季东半球的半永久性气候系统,对流层低层以索马里急流为主的越赤道气流均被成功地模拟出来了。降水量的模拟基本上也是成功的,但从降水的性质来看,有明显不足的是热带海洋地区的对流性降水。 在气象场基本符合实况的前提下,文章讨论了非绝热加热场的分布特征及其性质。指出大陆是热源区,其中90°E以东的加热场是大尺度凝结加热的贡献,大陆西部的加热区是以感热加热为主。模拟较差的是热带海洋区。
A primitive equation numerical model with p-sigma incorporated coordinate system is used to simulate the meteorological and the diabatic heating fields in the mid and low latitudes of the eastern hemisphere in Summer From the comparisons of the simulated daily mean temperature, geopotential or pressure, flow and preoipitation fields with the observational ones, we find that the high level 300hPa southern Asian High and the land low, which are the semipermanent climatic systems in the summer easier hemisphere, and the Somali jet in the low troposphere are successfully simulated. The simulation of the precipitation amoun is basically in agreement with the observation, too. However, the features of the precipitation are not well simulated, especially the convective precipitation overt the tropical oceans.
On the basis of that the meteorological fields are basically agree with the observational ones, the properties and the distributions of the diabatic heating fields are discussed. The analyses show that there is the heat souroe over the land areas, and the heat source east to 90E is resulted from the large-scale condensation, while that in the west part of the land mainly from the sensible heating. Worse simulation of the heat source is over the oceans.
Journal of the Meteorological Sciences