为克服沥青涂料强度低弹性差的缺点 ,用聚氨酯预聚体与沥青共混的工艺方法制备了一种强度高、弹性好、防水性能优良的聚氨酯 沥青弹性防水涂料。这种防水涂料的拉伸强度比沥青的提高了 5~ 10倍 ,断裂伸长率比沥青的提高了 5~ 15倍 ,并且具有良好的耐酸碱、耐候和防水性能 ,涂层轻、无接缝。
In this paper, the blending technology and the formulation of polyurethane asphalt elashic water proof coating were investigated in order to improve the strength and the elasticity of asphalt coating. By pre polymer mixing, a kind of polyurethane asphalt coating with high strength and good elasticity and excellent water proof properties was obtained. Compared with asphalts,the tensile strength and the fracture elongation rate of the coating obtained increase 10~15 times respectively, and the coating has advatages such as light weight,seamless,easy to maintain and to apply.
Development and Application of Materials