诚信原则作为法律化的道德准则 ,从更深层次上把握了公平的要义 ,在审判实践中有着重要作用。首先是调整当事人之间失衡的利益关系 ,恢复、重建利益平衡 ;其次是解释、评价当事人的民事法律行为 ,防止发生纠纷后当事人趋利避害、进行恶意辩解 ,指引当事人善意、正当行使权利并履行义务 ;再次是补充、解释法律 ,弥补法律条款不能涵盖全部现实生活的不足 ,对法律规范做出符合立法旨意的正确阐释 ,防止从个人目的出发任意曲解法律。适用诚信原则应以维护公平正义为准绳 ,法官行使自由裁量权时应审慎。
The principle of honesty and credit,as a legalized moral rule,masters the essence of the impartiality from the deeper level,which is significant in the trial practice.First,it will adjust the relations of the unbalanced interest between the litigants,and restore and reestablish the balance of interest.Second,it will explain and evaluate the litigants' civil deeds,avoid the litigant's hostile interpretation of this principle and instruct the litigant's behavior of their duties and rights after the quarrels.Finaly it will amend and explain the laws,bridge the gap between laws and the realities,correctly interpret the laws according to the aim of legislation,and avoid misunderstanding the laws at personal will.Impartiality and justice are the yardsticks of the application in which the judges should be careful.
Journal of Langfang Teachers College