我国已知主要金红石矿床有江苏东海榴辉岩型、湖北大阜山榴闪岩型、豫陕交界处八庙—青山角闪片岩型、陕西凤凰尖千枚岩型及山西碾子沟直闪 (片 )岩型 5个 ,前 4者为变质成因 ,后者为变质蚀变成因。变质型矿床 ,金红石自然颗粒主要为单晶、粒度较细、分布均匀 ,随着变质温压降低、粒度有明显变小趋势 ;变质蚀变型矿床 ,金红石自然颗粒主要为集合体、粒度粗、局部富集。其成因前者为变质过程是没有水参与的“干变”及变质温压的改变 ;后者蚀变过程是有水参与的“湿变” ,并且其环境为金红石提供了充分的生长空间。
Known Chinese rutile deposits include five deposits, namely, Donghai eclogite-typed in Jiangsu, Dafu kinzigite-typed in Hubei, Bamiao-Qingshan amphibole-schist-typed where Henan and Shaanxi meet, Fenghuangjian phyllite-typed in Shaanxi and Nianzigou anthophyllite-typed. The former four types belong to metamorphic origination while the last has a genetic link with metamorphism plus alteration. The natural grain of rutile from metamorphism-typed deposits is mainly monocrystal with a comparatively thin grain size, even thinner with progressively decrease in metamorphic temperature. On the contrary, metamorphism plus alteration typed deposits yield aggregative grains of rutile, having a relatively thick grain size. Configuration of the monocrystal resulted from 'dry-changing' due to no water involved during metamorphism as well as form change in metamorphic temperature and pressure. Formation of the aggregate was attribute to water involvement, an environment that provided rutile mineral with sufficient growing room.
Geology of Chemical Minerals