对 8 4篇文献有关植物对大气CO2 浓度倍增响应进行整合分析(一种对同一主题下多个独立实验进行综合的统计学方法),发现环境因素(土壤水分亏缺、土壤低氮、高温和高浓度O3 )显著地影响植物对高CO2 浓度的响应。无任何环境胁迫时,高CO2 浓度对C3 植物的 12个植物生理生态指标产生负效应,对另 12个则表现正效应,负响应最强的前 5个指标为:气孔导度(gs) >暗呼吸速率(Rd) >单位叶重中的氮含量(Nm) >单位叶重中蛋白质含量(Prm) >单位叶结构重量中氮含量(Ns);正响应最强烈的前 5个指标为:根生物量(Br) >地上部生物量(Bs) >单位叶重中淀粉含量(St) >光饱和时的光合速率(A) >总生物量(Bt)。可见植物的气体交换和生物量受高CO2 浓度影响较大,叶化学成分的变化则以淀粉、单位叶重含氮量和单位叶重蛋白质含量较为明显。无任何胁迫时,C3 植物的总生物量和光饱和时的光合速率分别提高 30.0 1%和 40.36 %;气孔导度下降 30.39%。
Eighty-four published papers were synthesized using meta-analysis (a statistical method to summarize the different individual studies under the same subject), with results of the environmental factors ( soil water deficit, low soil nitrogen, high temperature and high concentration O-3) affecting significantly the response of plant to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Under unstressed condition, the overall effect sizes of twelve ecophysiological variables of C-3 plants were negative, other twelve positive. For negative effect group, the first five variables ranked as: stomatal conductance (g(s)) > leaf dark respiration rate (R-d) > leaf nitrogen content on a mass basis (Nm) > leaf protein content on a mass basis (Pr-m) > leaf nitrogen content on a structural mass basis (N-s) ; positive one, root biomass (B-t) > shoot biomass (B-s) > leaf starch content on a mass basis (S-t) > light saturated net photosynthetic rate (A) > total biomass (B-s). The B-t and A of C-3 plants increased 30.01 % and 40.36 % respectively under unstressed condition, while g(s) decreased 30.39 %.
中国科学院知识创新项目(KZCX2_40 7)
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广东省团队项目(0 0 30 31)~~