为了探讨人为干扰与淡水湖泊水生植物多样性的关系 ,比较研究了湖北省海口湖、太白湖与武山湖水生植物多样性的现状和近 2 0 a来三湖泊水生植物多样性的变化 ,讨论了密齿苦草对太白湖人为干扰的适应机制 ,探讨了武山湖水生植物多样性及其退化水生生态系统恢复的可能途径。主要结论是 :(1 )海口湖、太白湖、武山湖现各分布有水生植物 5 7种、3 5种和 1 1种 ,分别隶属于 2 8科 4 2属、1 8科 3 0属和 6科 9属 ,近 2 0 a来三湖泊分别有 1种、9种和 2 9种水生植物消失。 (2 ) 1 999~ 2 0 0 0年三湖泊各分布有水生植物群丛类型 1 4个、6个和 0个 ;全湖植被覆盖率分别是 96.1 8%、76.1 7%和 0 %;全湖平均单位面积生物量分别为 2 896g/m2 ,1 77g/m2和 0 g/m2 (鲜重 ) ,近 2 0 a来其分别下降了 1 2 .1 %、88.3 %和1 0 0 %;武山湖水生植被已完全消失。 (3 )所有群丛中 ,以海口湖的“野菱 +菱群丛”(Trapa incisa+Trapa bispinosaAss.)的群落物种多样性指数最高 ;密齿苦草群丛 (Vallisneria denseserrulata Ass.)、菹草群丛 (Potamogeton crispusAss.)和“野菱 +菱群丛”为海口湖与太白湖所共有 ,三者的多样性指数均是海口湖显著高于太白湖。水生植物多样性丰富程度的现状是 :海口湖 >太白湖 >武山湖 ,多样性丧失?
In order to understand the impact of human disturbance on aquatic plant diversity of freshwater lake ecosystems, a comparative study was carried out to examine the aquatic plant diversity of Haikou, Taibai and Wushan Lake in Hubei Province of China that experienced different disturbance intensity. The changes of the diversity in the three lakes over about the past 20 years and the mechanisms of species Vallisneria deseserrulata for adapting to frequent human disturbance in Lake Taibai were also investigated in this paper. At the same time the suggestions of restoring the aquatic plant diversity and the degraded aquatic ecosystem of Lake Wushan were proposed. The main results are given as follows: (1) 57, 35 and 11 aquatic plant species were recorded in 1999~2000 in Lake Haikou, Taibai and Wushan, respectively. However, compared with the data obtained in early 1980′s, 1 species disappeared from Lake Haikou, while 9 and 29 species disappeared from Lake Taibai and Wushan, respectively. (2) 14 and 6 aquatic plant associations were identified in Lake Haikou and Taibai, respectively, whereas no associations were found in Lake Wushan. Aquatic vegetation coverage of Haikou, Taibai and Wushan Lake were 96 18%, 76 17% and 0%, respectively and their respective biomass (fresh weight) were 2896g/m 2, 177g/m 2 and 0g/m 2, and it decreased 12 1%, 88 3% , 100% respectively over about the past 20 years. The flourishing aquatic vegetation of Wushan Lake during the beginning of the 80′s had wholly disappeared. (3) Of the all associations, Trapa incisa + Trapa bispinosa Ass.in Lake Haikou had the greatest diversity indices, measured by Simposn Index and Shannon Wiener Index. Vallisneria denseserrulata Ass., Potamogeton crispus Ass. and Trapa incisa + Trapa bispinosa Ass. in Lake Haikou had much higher diversity indices than those in Lake Taibai. The results indicated that the increasing order of aquatic plant diversity of the three lakes is Lake Haikou > Taibai > Wushan at present, a
Acta Ecologica Sinica
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (3 9893 3 60和 3 0 1 70 1 77)