我国目前仍存在较为严重的“金融抑制”,而“入世”则加深了我国金融深化的必要性与可行性 ,因此入世之际我们要抓住机遇 ,从完善利率市场化、发展金融机构等方面入手进一步推进我国的金融深化。
The article is about financial deepening in China on the ground that China will enter into WTO. The author thinks that there is some financial repression in our country while the countrys entry into WTO will exert great influence on its financial deepening. Therefore, the author suggests that we should take this opportunity to further deepen our financial system. And in order to fulfill this task, the author thinks that we should promote interest marketlization and develop our financial institutions.
Journal of Shanghai University(Social Sciences Edition)