在我国东南沿海省份有数量相当的柴油机电厂 ,这些柴油机电厂曾经在电力紧缺时期为当地经济的发展作出过重要贡献。近年来 ,随着我国经济结构的转变和电力供需矛盾的缓和 ,多数柴油机电厂都陷入了经营的困境。同时 ,这些柴油机电厂所面临的最严重的威胁是政府控制“小火电”的政策。本文以一个真实的个案为例 ,分析电力行业的内部和外部因素。并在此基础上得出柴油机电厂可选择的直接向大用户售电的对策方案 ,从而提出了电力市场改革的一个新问题。
There are a number of diesel power stations in South eastern China,which played a very important role in alleviating historical shortage of electric supply in the area. Recently,along with the adjusting of the China's economy structure,the shortage has eased up,and most of these diesel power stations were caught in operational troubles. Meanwhile,they also found their most serious threaten were from the government policy about controlling of small fossil fired power plants. This paper takes a real case as example,analyses outside as well as inside environment factors for power industry. Based on the analyis,“directly sell electricity to large users”,as a strategy,was derived at the end of this paper. This is a new problem in the reform of the electric power market.
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
国家自然科学基金 ( 70 0 42 0 13)和加拿大国际开发署CCUIPP的联合资助