根据油中局部放电脉冲波形的特性,提出了一种用于抑制噪声的多分辨率分析和软 阈值相结合的小波消噪算法;同时对提取的放电波形的特征参数进行了分析和处理。结果表 明,软阈值消噪能较好地解决保留信号局部特征与抑制噪声之间的矛盾,特别适合于对单个 局部放电脉冲波形的处理;不同的局放模型,其放电脉冲波形的特征参数有很大差异,提 取每种放电的波形特征参数,就可以较好地进行放电类型的识别。
According to the characteristics of partial discharge(PD)pulse waveform in tra nsformer oil and on the basis of combining multi-resolution analysis with soft -threshold, a novel wavelet de-noising algorithm for suppressing nois es is presented. The evaluated pulse parameters of discharge waveform are analyz ed and processed. The results from above analysis and processing show that the c ontradiction between partial characteristic and restraining noise can be settled well by soft threshold which is suitable for processing the waveform of single PD pulse. The partial characteristics of discharge pulse waveforms of different PD models are distinct. Evaluating the waveform characteristic parameters corres ponding to each discharge, the recognition of discharge type can be carried out well.
Power System Technology