中国国家创新体系的有机构成为环状 :核心是知识创新系统。从内到外依次为技术创新系统→知识基础与管理系统→体制与制度创新系统→观念与文化创新系统→国际接轨。知识创新是指通过科学研究获得新的基础科学和技术科学知识的过程。技术创新是指学习、革新和创造新技术的过程 ,这个过程中与技术创新相关的机构组成系统和网络。知识创新与技术创新既存在源与流的关系 ,也存在着技术创新同样可以产生新知识 ,引发又一轮新的知识创新的相辅相承、共同发展的辩证关系。
The organic structure of national innovation systems of China is annular,the core of which is the innovative system of knowledge.From the core to the rim in the systems,there are in turn the technological innovation system,knowledge foundation and management system,institutional innovation system,idea and cluture innovation system,and finally,the international integration system.The knowldge innovation is a process within which the new fundamental science and technological knowledge can be obtained.As to the technological innovation,it is a process of learning,reformation and creation of new technology,during which the system and the network will be formed by the institutions relating to the technological innovation activity.On the one hand,the relationship between knowledge innovation and technological innovation is just like that of source and stream.And from another facet,there lies dialectic relationship between these two ,because the technological innovation can bring about new knowledge and thus a new round of knowledge innovation will be come into being,accordingly both sides can complement each other and develop together.
Resources Science
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