目的 :观察抗抑郁药帕罗西汀对伴有抑郁症的类风湿关节炎 (类风关 )病人生命质量和抑郁情绪的作用。方法 :40例病人随机区组分为抗抑郁治疗组和对照组。采用汉密顿抑郁量表 (HAMD)、抑郁自评量表 (SDS)、SF - 36、类风关生命质量量表在治疗前后作评定。结果 :治疗 3个月后 ,抗抑郁组在SF - 36、生命质量量表、SDS评分等方面的改善明显优于对照组。结论 :由于类风关是较常见的慢性内科疾病之一 ,许多病人的生命质量常有下降并伴抑郁情绪 。
Objective: To assess the quality of life and depression in rheumatoid arthritis patients with or without paroxetine therapy. Methods: 40 patients were randomly divided into anti-depression group and controll group. The quality of life in patients with rheumatoid arthritis at the entry study and end study were evaluated by HAMD, SDS, SF-36 respectively. Paroxetine therapy had been given in the treatment group. Results: Improvement of QOL and SDS scores in paroxetine-treated group was greater than those of controll group. Conclusion: It is important to identify and treat the depressed RA patients promptly helping them to improve the quality of life.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine