近年来随着我国经济的飞速发展 ,人民生活水平的不断提高 ,我国冠心病和高脂血症的患病率呈上升趋势。因此 ,如何有效的降低血脂水平防治高脂血症一直是广大医务工作者探讨的重要问题。研究表明膳食中饱和脂肪和胆固醇的摄入量与血清总胆固醇浓度呈正相关。因此 ,饮食治疗一直作为高脂血症的一线治疗被倡导 ,但长期以来饮食治疗降低血脂的效果的大小 ,缺乏一致的结论 ,成为困扰我们临床实践和推广应用的重要问题。本文根据新近发表于“ClinicalEvidence” 2 0 0 0年
At present the prevalence of coronary heart disease and hyperlipidemia are increasing in China.The very important problem is how to reduce the serum lipid levels and prevent coronary heart disease. Diet intervention has been taken as the first line treatment for hyperlipidemia.But the effectiveness of diet intervention on reducing serum lipid levels has been controversial.The paper reviews the effectiveness of diet intervention based on a systematic review from'Clinical Evidence'.
West China Medical Journal