杂交苜蓿是野苜蓿 (M .falcata)和紫苜蓿 (M .sativaL .)的杂交后代 ,兼具亲本的许多优良性状 ,适于广泛栽培。对其在根系特性上所表现出的优势进行研究发现 :根颈处的劈裂将植株分为母株与子株 ,实现营养繁殖 ;位于茎基部的当年芽数量明显大于亲本 ,是地上生物量增长的基础 ;明显的缩根现象有利于茎基部和根颈顶部芽的产生和越冬 ;明显优于亲本的侧根与不定根 。
The Medicago varia Martyn,which had many good characteristics and suited to be cultivated widely,is a progency of Medicago deutiutata(M.hispida) hybridized with Medicago sativa L.It is found,through studying the Medicago varia Martyn's root system,that the phenomenon of root reduction was beneficial to grow and live through the winter for the sprouts of stem,radical and up root stem,that the plants divided into father plant and son plant after root stem split thereby the nutritious reproduction was completed,that sprouts in those days on radical,as a base of biological quantity,were too many than that of partnt,that lateral root and labile root a foundation to increase biological quantity of plant duning root split reproduction.
Inner Mongolia Prataculture