在抽油井生产过程中 ,因抽油机基础下沉 ,抽油机安装位置不准确等原因 ,造成光杆与井口产生水平偏移和角度偏移的现象较为普遍。因此 ,极易引起井口偏磨 ,使密封盘根使用寿命变短 ,造成井口漏油 ,污染环境等事故 ;抽油机在工作过程中 ,光杆长期承受交变载荷 ,工作环境比较恶劣 ,极易引起疲劳破坏而断裂 ,造成落井事故。当井口回压及油压较高时 ,井液会大量涌出井口 ,造成原油泄漏 ,污染井场等事故。为解决这些问题 ,结合现场应用情况及相关技术 ,研制了光杆调偏防喷密封器 ,并在孤东油田推广应用 。
In oil production,the horizontal displacement and angle displacement occurs frequently because the foundation settlement of pumping unit and its unexact installing position etc..So it causes the well head wearing,short life of stuffing box,oil leakage,enviromental pollution.The rod bears the alternating load,it is easy to be fatigue broken.When the back pressure or oil pressure is too high, the crude oil will pour out from the well head and cause the oil leak. In order to solve these problems,the rod displacement adjustment blowout control sealer is developed.It achieved good effect and economical benefit when used in Gudong Oilfield.
Oil Field Equipment