目的 :探讨131I的电离辐射与甲状腺组织功能早期改变的关系 ,如血清TNF、IL 1β、IL 6、IL 8等细胞因子水平变化以及甲状腺组织本身的病理改变等。方法 :选用兔作动物实验 (15只 ) ,分别在 0、6、2 4、48、72h及 1周时抽血做IL 1β、IL 8测定 ,并每次随机处死 1~ 2只兔以做病理切片观察 ,1周时同时做甲功测定 (TT3、TT4 、FT3、FT4 )并与 0h比较。 17例病情中及重度甲亢患者用治疗剂量的131I治疗 (每人次用量 146 2~ 46 9 9MBq ,平均2 6 7 5MBq) ,治疗前和治疗后 4~ 7天抽血做TNF、IL 1β、IL 6和IL 8测定。结果 :①使用131I 6h后即可见兔血清IL 1β增高 (P <0 0 5 ) ,IL 8于 48h达高峰 (P <0 0 1) ,两种细胞因子于 1周时皆降低到 0h水平 (P >0 0 5 )。 1周内兔血清甲状腺激素水平无明显变化 (P >0 0 5 )。②甲亢患者131I治疗前后血清细胞因子的变化与兔有所不同 ,TNF无明显变化 (P >0 0 5 ) ,IL 6和IL 8升高 (P <0 0 5 ) ,而IL 1β反而降低 ,且差异显著 (P <0 0 5 )。③摄取131I后兔甲状腺组织在不同时间内呈现不同的病理改变。结论 :①甲状腺组织摄取一定剂量的131I在不同时间内呈现不同的病理改变 ,但短期内甲状腺激素水平无明显变化。②某些细胞因子IL 1β、IL 6、IL 8等似可用作观察甲?
Objective:To investigate the effects of 131 I radiaion on thyroid functions including the changes of serium cytokines such as TNF,IL lβ,IL 6 and IL 8,and the pathology of thyroid in the early time. Methods:15 rabbits were intravenously injected with 131 I,then the serum IL lβ and IL 8 were measured at the time of Oh,6h,24h,48h,72h and one week after the injection.Thyroxines(TT 3, TT 4, FT 3 and FT 4) were also determined one week after the injection. One or two rabbits were executed at each time for pothological examination. 17 patients with moderate or severe hyperthroidism received 131 I therapy with dosage of 164.2~469.9 MBq(mean dosage of 267.5 MBq).Their serum TNF,IL lβ,IL 8 were determined before and 4 to 7 days after 131 I treatment.Results:① In rabbits, the serum IL lβ was significantly increased 6h after 131 I injection ( P <0.05),while the serum IL 8 reached the peek value at the time of 48h ( P <0.01).Both serum IL lβ and IL 8 were decreaed to the normal levels one week later ( P <0.05).Thyroxines were not significantly changed within one week. ② The change of cytokines in patients was different from that of rabbits,no significant difference was found in TNF level before and after 131 I treatment ( P <0.05),IL lβ was remarkably decreased ( P <0.05),whereas both IL 6 and IL 8 increased significantly ( P <0.05) after 131 I treatment,③ Pathological changes in rabbit thyroid tissue were observed after 131 I injection. Conclusions:① Pathological changes could be observed in thyroid tissue after the uptakes of certain doses of 131 I but serum thyroxine levels showed no change during a short period.② Some cytokines such as Il lβ,IL 6 and IL 8 may be used as the potiential indicators for determining the radiobiological effect of 131 I on thyroid, but their clinical values should be further investigated.
Academic Journal of Guangzhou Medical College
广东省卫生厅医学科研立项课题 (B2 0 0 0 142 )