面对商品化种子市场激烈竞争,要求尽快地培育出产量高,适应面广,推广快的玉米新杂交 种,而前提是要有相应的高产、抗病、综合农艺性状好的玉米自交系。本文提出能快速有效选育玉米 自交系的捷径,既适应市场对玉米良种的要求,又加速玉米育种进程,简化育种程序,为今后玉米自 交系的选系工作提供依据。
Acute competition from commeral seed markets, require fast to breed new corn cross-breeds which are high yield, adaption widely, spread quickly but must early have self-breds which have corresponding with high yield, diseac-resistant and a good synthetical agronomic properties. In the paper, put forward the shortcut for corn self-bred line by selection fast and effectively, to meet the market requirements of the good corn seeds, speed up the course of corn breeding and simplify orders of breeding to provide work basis for corn self-bred by selection.
Agriculture and Technology