大庄子金矿矿体为高品位缓倾斜中厚矿体。为寻求生产能力大、贫化损失低且安全的采矿方法 ,本文根据国内外的采矿现状 ,提出了几种可行的采矿方案 ,并根据矿山的地质开采技术条件进行了分析和评价 ,最终选择出了满意的采矿方案。
The ore deposit of Dazhuangzi Gold Mine is high grade gently dipping medium thick orebody. Based on the mining situation abroad and home, several possible methods are suggested to find a safe mining method with powerful production, low loss and dilution. At the end, a satisfying mining method is given after the geologic and economic factors of the ore deposit are judged and analysed.
Nonferrous Mines