
拯救地中海 被引量:1

Saving the Mediterranean
摘要 很多地中海国家间存在着很深的敌意;根据传统的国际合作理论,该地区各国间进行深度合作,难度很大。然而,地中海各国就地中海环境保护进行了出人意料的成功合作,一个重要原因是在该地区存在着一个为保护地中海环境形成的生态学认知圈,其成员们成功地说服了各国政府,为保护地中海环境而积极合作,符合各国自己的利益。美国著名国际关系学者皮特·哈斯博士对此进行了深入详尽的研究。哈斯博士所著《拯救地中海》一书,是关于联合国环境署领导的“地中海行动计划”研究的经典之作。本文根据《拯救地中海》编写。 The Mediterranean has been a region of very complex and intense multidimensional social, political, economic, cultural, and even military rivalries and conflicts. According to tradi- tional international cooperation theory, it is unlikely that the Mediterranean nations will seriously cooperate over the protection of the Mediterranean. Yet, surprisingly, the Mediterranean nations have successfully cooperated for the protection of the environment of the Mediterranean. A major cause is that there exists an ecological epistemic community in this region, and the members of this community have successfully convinced their national governments that cooperation among the Mediterranean nations is in their own best interests. Saving the Mediterranean, which has large amount of details, specifics, and insight information, authored by Dr. Peter Haas, a noted American scholar of international relations, is a classic study of the UNEP led Mediterranean Action Pro- gram. This article is based on Saving the Mediterranean.:
作者 董海洋
出处 《世界环境》 2001年第3期13-16,共4页 World Environment
关键词 国际关系 地中海 环境保护 生态认知圈 联合国环境署 区域海洋计划 地中海行动计划 international relations, the Mediterranean, environmental protection, ecological epistemic community, UNEP, Regional Seas Programme, Mediterranean Action Program
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