教育投资的受益者为国家、社会和受教育者个人 ,按受益者分担教育成本和按能力承担成本的原则 ,向受教育者家庭或个人收取一定的教育费用是合理的。文章在分析了非义务教育收费现状的基础上提出了改革教育收费管理体制、完善教育成本分担机制的主要原则和内容。
Education investment benefits the state,society as well as the educatees themselves.It is reasonable to charge the educator a certain sum of tutition according to the principle that the beneficiary shares in the education cost in the light of their capability.This article analyses the current situation of the tuition-charging sysetm and put forward the main principles of the tuition-charging system and education' cost division system reform
East China Economic Management