于 1997年 6月、1998年 9月和 1999年 4月 3个航次对渤海的大型底栖动物进行了定量研究。在研究海区共采到大型底栖动物 30 6种 ,其中甲壳动物 97种 ,环节动物 95种 ,软体动物 88种 ,棘皮动物 11种 ,其它动物共 15种。其总平均丰度和生物量分别为 2 5 76 ind./m2和4 4 .4 7g/m2。渤海大部海区的总平均生物量在过去十年中可能未发生大的变化。渤海含砂量相对高的生境有较高的动物丰度 ,而在水位较深的水域 ,由于有较高的初级生产量到达底部 ,从而支持着较高的大型底栖动物的生物量。
A quantitative study on macrobenthos was conducted at 22 stations in Bohai Sea in the three cruises conducted in June 1997, September 1998 and April 1999, respectively. The total mean abundance and biomass were estimated to be 2576 ind./m 2 and 44.47 g/m 2, respectively. There were 306 macrobenthic species collected in the study area, among which 97 were crustaceans, 95 polychaetes, 88 mollusks, 11 echinoderms and 15 the others. It was evident that in the Bohai Sea the macrobenthic abundance increased with the sediment sand content, and in the deeper water there was a higher primary production reached to the bottom, consequently supported a higher macrobenthic biomass. It was supposed that the total mean biomass did not change in the last decade in Bohai Sea and the Bohai Strait possibly was an area with higher biomass.
Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao
国家自然科学基金课题 ( 4 9790 1 0 0 1
39770 1 4 5 )
国家重点基础研究专项经费 ( G1 9990 4 37)
教育部博士点基金( 970 4 2 2 30 6 )资助