对 3NB— 5 0 0型钻井泵滑块滑套摩擦副的失效分析表明 ,滑块表面热处理工艺不合格、表面硬度低、严重的磨料磨损等是其失效的主要原因。在对比分析各种表面强化技术特点和磨损试验的基础上 ,确定氧 乙炔火焰喷焊技术是强化滑块表面较为合理的方法 ,强化材料选用PHNi60A +WC15 % ,喷焊层厚度为 0 5mm ,表面硬度≥ 60HRC ,并制定了相应的喷焊工艺 ;同时 ,对滑块滑套摩擦副的结构及拉杆端密封结构进行了改进设计。现场使用表明 ,经表面强化和改进设计后的滑块滑套摩擦副使用效果较好 ,磨损量仅为 0 39~ 0 4 7mm ,使用寿命由 4~ 6个月提高到 15个月以上 ,拉杆端密封的寿命提高近
The factors causing the failure of the crosshead and guide plate on Model 3NB-500 drill pump are analyzed.It is proposed strengthening the surfaces of the crosshead and slide plate to reduce wear and improve their service life.Oxygen-acetylene flame spray welding technique is selected to use for the strengthening treatment.PHNi60A+WC15% is taken as the strengthening material.The welding technology is determined to obtain a spray welding thickness of 0.5mm and a surface hardness of higher than 60HRC.In addition,the structures of the crosshead and guide plate and the seal at the pull rod end are modified.Field use shows that,the strengthened and modified crosshead performances well,and the wear between the crosshead and guide plate is reduced greatly and the service life of the crosshead and the pull rod seal are improved remarkably.
China Petroleum Machinery