加工大庆减压渣油的裂化催化剂DVR是以用专有技术改性后的超稳Y型分子筛为活性组分载于改性后的氧化铝制备的半合成载体制备而成 ,与普通的超稳分子筛相比 ,改性的分子筛相对结晶度提高了 7个单位 ,总酸量增加了 2 5 %以上。改性后的载体 ,弱酸量增加了 70 %~ 10 8% ,强酸量降低了 10 %~ 49%。微反评价结果表明 ,改性后载体的轻油微反活性提高了约 2倍 ,重油转化率提高了 2 4个百分点以上。与国内使用的MLC 5 0 0重油裂化催化剂相比 ,DVR催化剂重油转化率提高了 0 .8个百分点 ,焦炭产率减少了 0 .4个百分点 。
The newly developed DVR heavy oil cracking catalyst consisted of a proprietary modified USY zeolite as active component and a semi synthesized matrix prepared by modified alumina. The crystallinity and acid amount of the modified zeolite were 7% and 25% higher than that of the conventional USY respectively. The modified matrix had a gradient pore distribution, its weak acid amount was 70%-108% higher and its strong acid amount was 10%-49% lower than that of the conventional matrix. The MAT activity of the modified matrix was about triple and the heavy oil conversion increased by more than 24% respectively in comparison with those of conventional matrix. The evaluation result showed that DVR catalyst converted 0.8% more heavy oil and produced 0.4% less coke than a domestic heavy oil cracking catalyst MLC 500, the former can meet the requirements of processing Daqing vacuum resid.
Petroleum Processing and Petrochemicals
中石化集团公司项目 1980 0 1