发挥PDM的使能作用是保证PDM环境下信息集成、功能集成和过程集成的质量和效果的关键。针对PDM使能作用的内涵和外延 ,建立了PDM使能作用实施环境框架结构。结合实例 ,通过构造基于Petri网的过程使能仿真模型 ,对如何控制和评价PDM使能作用的动态运作进行了讨论。过程Petri网中基于活动的复合二分图 ,从虚拟现实的角度为制定科学合理的全程决策提供了模板和指导。
How to exert the enable effort in PDM system is the key factor to guarantee the quality and effect of integrating the information, functions and processes. According to the connotation and extension of the enable function, the architecture and construction was founded to implement the enable effect under the environment of the PDM system. How to control and estimate the developments in enabled process was researched and discussed by giving a concrete instance and constructing the emulational model with the enable process based on the Petri network. The compound binary graph based on the activities in process's Petri network provided an instructional formwork for scientific and logical global decision-making from the point of view of virtual realism.
江苏省"九五"科技攻关项目 (BJ980 69)