清代训诂学家非常重视《说文解字》 ,广泛运用它来注释和整理先秦文献。刘宝楠刘恭冕父子竭毕生精力而成就的《论语正义》 ,引用《说文解字》多达千条。或追根溯源 ,不限形体 ;或旁稽博考 ,兼采备录 ;或多方参照 ,舍短从长 ;均能持论谨严 ,实事求是。对《说文》传本中某些异文、脱文以及其他存疑之处 ,《论语正义》也做了校订和说明。“欲治圣经 ,先通小学” ,这是包括《论语正义》作者在内的清代扬州学派留给我们最可宝贵的经验。
The explainers of words and sentences in the Qing Dynasty attached great importance to The Explanation of Word, and generally explained and recognized the Pro Qin Literatures according to it. The Re explanation of the Analects of Confucius, which was written by Liu Baonan and Liu Gongmian after their life long efforts, quoted about thousands of items from The Explanation of Word. They tracked back to every word′s origin in different shapes, examined and investigated extensively to adopt different opinions,and consulted many documents so that they could give up the shortcomings and single out the better ones. They did all of these by presenting arguments rigorously and on the basis of facts. As for some questionable and lost parts in the different editions of The Explanation of word, The Re explanation of the Analects of Confucius also made some revisions and illustrations by examples. Better learn the meanings of words and sentences and phonology before studying the classic works of ancient times', which is the most cherishable experience left to us by the authors of this book and the other scholars of Yangzhou School of Thought during the Qing Dynasty.
Journal of Yangzhou University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
The Re explanation of the Analects of Confucius
The Explanation of Word
tracking back to the origin
adopting different opinions
giving up the shortcomings and singling out the better ones